When the girls were young, we would sometimes load up the Jeep, that later became the Escalade (an exact replica of Woody Harrelson’s in Zombieland, that I miss every time I pass one- I digress) and head out to Las Vegas on a Friday night, impromptu as many of our family adventures. We still do ... Read moreThe unknown and the WHAT IF?

We have added DarrenFarris.nft to our list of options to access our site. It was a very nice gift from Unstoppable Domains. A big thanks and shout out to them. We think they are a great company to be leading the WEB3 revolution that is indeed coming. We will still be primarily promoting our original ... Read moreWe have acquired DarrenFarris.nft…

I think I have mentioned this more than once here/ But I am in AWE of God’s use of WISDOM to build humans with a VERY reasonable LIFESPAN. There are SO many wicked and just plain STUPID folks among us. Can you imagine if they lived WITH US, in that state … for ever? Hats ... Read moreStand up for THE BIG GUY!
Tonight we broke new ground on our SiriusNet Web3 project. So excited. I really enjoy learning new things. Also that THRILL of when something WORKS for the first time, when you are expecting it not to.If you have ever launched a web project and you were intimately involved in the project on the technical side. ... Read moreSiriusNet getting off the ground…